Many believe and many do not believe in the existence of God. Those who believe in God will say that whatever happens in life is the will of God. While the non-believers would say that everything happens in life is chance and luck. Both groups live their life believing this to be so and they are entitled to their own opinion.
Those who live in fear of God will believe in the punishing God and do things out of fear. What a miserable life to lead, to be in constant fear of being punished or to do things just because there is this fear of being punished.
Let us try to understand this misconception. Firstly God is not a punishing God waiting with a big stick to punish His children when they do wrong. This idea came from old beliefs that God is a punishing God. If this were so where is the Compassionate, Merciful and Loving God that all the mainstream religion speaks off? Firstly belief that God is neutral and does not judge. The Cosmic Law that is in place will take care of the cause and effect of all actions. So where does God come into the picture in a person’s life?
To understand this let me give a few examples. Let’s take an example of a person driving under the influence of alcohol and gets into an accident. Did God make him to that? Is it bad luck? Is it by chance he got into an accident? The answer is a big NO to all the questions. It was a choice the driver made, and due to negligence he got into an accident. This is the action part. The reaction is where the Cosmic Law takes over whether he survives, how badly he is injured or non-injured. It is at this point where God comes in to either save his life or minimise the injury. So you see there is an action which is strictly a choice we make in life and there is the reaction part which is the Cosmic Law and then there is the after- effect of the reaction which is the resultant part, this is where God comes in to help if He is asked to do through prayers etc.
Another example, a person jumps down from the 20th floor of a building – did God make him do it? Definitely no. It is through free will which is what all human beings are born with. The jumping down is the action part which is freedom of choice; the reaction part is the law of nature – The Cosmic Law. The effect of the reaction is where God comes in. So there is an action which is free will, there is a reaction which is the Cosmic Law, and there is the resultant part where the grace of God comes in.
Action (Free Will) – Reaction (Cosmic Law) – Resultant (Grace of God)
If you can understand how this works you will stop saying God made me to this, God made me to that or God told me to tell you to do this and that. Utter rubbish! Do not put the blame on God for He is neutral in all things that take place in your life. Through prayers and devotion you develop your grace with Him for the time when you need His help or guidance.
By free will i.e. freedom to choose whatever action we take, we face the consequences of our action through the Cosmic Law which just and respector of no man. The resultant of the Cosmic Law is where the Grace of God comes in. This is where each individual person learn to develop a personal relationship with God to either help or guide him in times of difficulties.
May the Grace of God be with you.
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