You are the architect and creator of the world in which you live. Everything you need and every experience is within you. Your sadness, your happiness, your success, your failure. You create everything through the way you think, act and perform. You may not agree but let’s explore further.
You may think that someone or something outside you that makes you angry, think again. Nothing or no one can make you angry, sad if you do not allow it to. We all fall prey to our ego which tells us what we should or should not do. We should take back control of our lives and we want to live by telling our ego how we want it to behave. It might not be possible to destroy ego but we can certainly modify it from one that is negative to one that is positive.
Through contemplation and meditation, we can change the ego that binds us. We have allowed our ego to go unchecked for too long resulting in a situation that it is now our master. If that is the situation you are in, it is time to unlearn and relearn. Keep a close check on how you react to a situation that you are in. A very simple situation that everyone faces every day. How do you react when someone disagrees with you. Do you react adversely by answering in a sharp manner – this is ego reacting or do you ponder for a while and then react in a calm manner either agreeing or present your views to disagree. This is how we should keep ego in check. By constantly checking we reach a state where it becomes a mental habit not to react instantly in any situation.
In a given situation it is easy to allow your ego to take over and retaliate instantly only to regret later. We need to learn not to retaliate with words or action but to remain calm and rationale and allow our divine self to reply. This we can do but it is a question of choice. Either we want to or do we allow our ego to continue to rule our lives.
To create for yourself a positive life believe that you are a child of God, and believe that you are divine; hence you are capable of greater things that you are currently achieving. You are able to realize you full potential.
You need to stop blaming others for your failures or misery or unhappiness. Stop blaming God because He has nothing to do with your present condition. He gives only the best for us only if we learn to appreciate what we have. By blaming others for your problems you shut the door to your mind to explore what has gone wrong. Unfortunate most people do that as they succumb to their ego. Believing that they are infallible and not the root cause of the many problems that they face in life. Above all do not condemn yourself to nothingness and go into the “poor me syndrome” state of mind.
When you do well do not take credit, rather give it the divine in you. By doing this you will not inflate your ego. When you fail, blame yourself and then learn from your mistakes so you will not fail the next time. The key here is to learn from mistakes and not go into self-denial by saying “I did nothing wrong”.
As an example when a student fails he blames his teacher for not teaching well. If that were the case than why is it the whole class did not fail? Instead he should examine himself to find out what went wrong. This mind set of blaming others exist in everyone and many fall prey to their own ego. Stop for a moment and learn to modify your ego. Learn to change by allowing your divine self to take charge. If you do this nothing can go wrong. Be conscious of your divine self and allow it to be the forefront of your conscious thinking self.
Once you have mastered this technique, you have created for yourself a positive world in which you live. Everything can go wrong with the world outside you but you now view things in a positive light – the divine lens. That is the divine light that shine from your being and protects you.
You are now the master of your “self” and ego is now your slave.
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