Beloved Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus, thank you for blessing us with the gift of Your only begotten son.
For the life he gave to us so that we may learn to love unconditionally and to forgive those who may have hurt us knowingly or unknowingly.
Grant us Your Grace so that we may be able to accept each other as brothers and sisters and that we are all children of the One God.
That race and religion shall have no barrier in our dealings with each other and that we learn not to judge least we be judged.
Shower upon us Your blessings so that we may be able to experience Peace and Harmony in our lives. Shower us with Your Abundance at all times.
For the many whose lives have been affected by natural and unnatural disasters, bless and protect them with Your mercy so that they may live a better life.
We ask in the name of Lord Jesus and in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.
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