I have often wondered what it would be like for someone who lives life without acknowledging the existence of the Divine in his life. From an agnostic to an atheist to a believer, we all make this choice in our life. For some they are born into it, for some they adopt it and yet for others they acknowledge it only when they face problems later in life.
To the atheist everything is either luck or science or it just happens to be so. To the agnostic they want to accept it but fear of being labelled old fashioned by their peers. So they become fence sitters, not openly declaring their belief but quietly seeking help when a situation arises that they cannot handle. Yet to some believers they do so as an insurance plan thinking that by acknowledging God their lives will be smooth. They are the worst kind. Never ever take God as an insurance plan. Go to Him if you are a believer with love for His children, your brothers and sisters.
Belief in God is a very private and personal thing that not many want to discuss. However in this era of information superhighways, via the many search engines available all that is required is a click to bring you to the varied supply of information. To live life without accepting that there is such a thing as God is like being in a boat without a sail, rudder or an anchor. You are left to the mercy of the elements not knowing where to go or turn to as it carries you wherever it wishes to.
In life, God becomes your destination, the spiritual teachings, your compass, faith is the sail. Your anchor is the support group of like minded people who share a common belief. The rudder is the choices you make in life. Remember God does not make choices for you. From the choice you make in life He gives what is best for you. A common mistake people make when they say “God asks me to do this, God asks me to do that. God asks me to tell you this”. Everyone wants to feel special that they can hear the voice of God and they can communicate with God. Let me just say this is utter rubbish. You need to reach a certain level on the spiritual ladder before you can tune in to His frequency. Only a handful have managed to do this amongst them the Prophets of God – the chosen ones. Let me explain this. The air around you has many radio signals and frequencies from TV stations, Radio Stations, Mobile Phones through messaging, emails etc. can you imagine the volume of radio waves that is just bouncing off you right now. And yet we can only pick up the ones that we have with the correct device and frequency that is tuned to. Likewise for a person who is able to attune himself through his Supreme Consciousness is able to get just impressions of the messages he is supposed to receive. He then needs to put it in his own words and sometimes the actual message gets lost in translation.
If your belief in one life than your end point is either heaven or hell. If you believe in an afterlife than in every lifetime you work towards discharging all karmic debts. Whichever your belief the most important thing is to accept that there is a more superior force that governs and controls the entire universe, beyond the understanding of the normal man. For those who thirst and search for truth and found it, they share their journey with those who are interested to listen. Again the choice is up to the listener to believe or not to believe.
For thousands of years the Prophets and Super Masters have made their journey and suffered just to tell us of the existence of the Supreme, but history has shown that many times mankind have rejected their teachings for whatever reason. The age of technology offers us many options. You can find many who claim to be Gurus only to be exposed later as frauds. The guiding principle is if it does not stand to reason and logic, reject it. Use your God given intelligence and then decide what is best for you. Do not follow blindly or be intimidated by fear. Some fake Gurus would put fear into people and tell them if they do not follow his path something bad will happen to them or their family. Worse still they say God will punish you. What rubbish! There is no such thing as a punishing God. We through our own actions attract the punishment that is just swift and respects no man, saints nor sages. This is the Cosmic Law which works even as the law of physics. For every action there is a reaction equal and opposite. It is in giving that you get. You reap what you sow .This law can be found in all scriptures, expressed differently but the message is the same.
Whether you are an atheist, agnostic or a firm believer, the Cosmic Law kicks in with every action you take and this applies to your thoughts, words and deeds. The entire universe is governed by this law, unseen yet always present. You may appear to escape it but only for a while as it catches up with you perhaps later in life. To live a harmonious life you need to go with the flow of this cosmic current and not against it. Going against it will bring many obstacles your life.
How do we flow with this cosmic current? Be always positive towards yourself others circumstance and situations. In your hearts let there be always love kindness understand and goodwill for all human beings and all living things. Have a firm belief that the Divine will not let you down in any way. Above all give thanks daily for everything that you receive or going to receive. Be humble and accept that you are just the custodian of your Divine Father’s property and that everything that you have belongs to Him. Surrender to His Will and accept that He knows what is best for you.
May you be Blessed with a harmonious life.
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