You may ask what is a seeker? Firstly if you need to ask then you are not a seeker.

The seeking process does not come just because you want to. If that is your motivation then you will give up halfway just like anything that you do when you are not motivated or fully committed to see it through to completion. The process of seeking begins when there is a restlessness and a desire to find the answer to a burning question, God, Who Are You? I Want to Meet You. What has the process of seeking got to do with a Blade Master? Read on to find out and enjoy the journey!

The seeking starts when your thirst begins and you get thirstier with each piece of information that you grapple with. Throughout your journey you will meet up with numerous obstacles placed in front of you and for a good reason. That is why many give up half way with a common remark, “life was more peaceful when I was left on my own, and I do not need this hassle. In fact my life became more problematic when I started my search”. To that statement, the Guru gave his answer. “Imagine a pond of stagnant water that has not been touched for years. On the surface it looks clean and calm that you can even see almost to the bottom of the pond. You may say what a clean pond. You then take a stick and start to stir the water. What happens? Suddenly all the filth, slime and grime, start to churn and the clean water of the pond are no longer clean. Then you remove your stick and allow the water to settle. All the mud and slime and grime begin to settle down and you get your clean water again”. Embarking on the spiritual journey is like the stirring that you did. Initially all the dirt gets to the top and there is much turbulence in your life but given time when all the dirt and slime has settled you get the calm back into your life, but only for a while. Depending on what is in store for you and the role you need to play as a Light Worker, each seeker experiences different areas of “test” usually in the area that he is most vulnerable.

I liken the spiritual journey to one of a Blade Master, a person who makes the blades of swords. First he takes two pieces of metal (your material and your spiritual life) then he fuses it together by bending and forging to fuse the metal (this represents the need for the seeker to spiritualize his material life and realize that they are one and the same, that there is no difference between a spiritual life and a material life). Then the hammering takes place to flatten and shape the sword to the desired length. This represents the obstacle placed in the life of a seeker and the hard knocks in life. Some obstacles seem insurmountable and beyond you. It is at that point where you learn the meaning of surrender. The process of hammering and shaping is a painful one as it may come one after the other. Then comes cutting the metal to the correct shape that the Blade Master has planned for. The seeker learns to be detached from material things in life, to be detached even from himself and the very goal as a seeker.

When the blade is ready then it needs to be tempered which is heating up and cooling of the metal to reduce its toughness and increase its hardness – humility is now a key factor in the journey, the seeker needs to surrender to his Master’s Will and remain resilient when facing any adversity. To realize that he is nothing and all that he has belongs to his Master.

Now the blade is ready for its final process of sharpening, polishing and beautifying it ready for use. The fine tuning takes place at this point. Where every thoughts, words and deeds are in total synchronicity. The seekers at this stage is now ready for his role. Like the highly polished blade he shines like a brilliant star. Just as the blade is now sharpened the seeker is now ready for his role as a Light Worker. His role is to help others, his brothers and sisters who are on the same journey as his to God-Realization, through Self –Realization. To share his own life’s journey, his own trial and tribulations with others so that others may know that they are not alone on this journey. Obstacles in life are but a means of developing Faith. He is able to guide others by his wisdom which comes from experience and not book knowledge. His answers to spiritual questions are precise and by simple examples, he is able to make his point instead of lengthy quotes from scriptures and holy books. He becomes a beacon guiding others on this path.

The journey for the blade ends when it is fitted with the hilt – the point of balance of a perfectly crafted sword. For a seeker, his journey ends when he finds himself. He realizes that whatever he was looking for all along was to begin with inside him and it cannot be separated, like the sword and its hilt. A perfect balance in total harmony, self with Self.

The journey ends for the sword when it is placed in the sheath, to be withdrawn only when called upon. Likewise the seeker remains silent only to respond when called upon, and even so with few words that cuts through like the blade with his wisdom. The seeker is forever grateful to those who have made his journey through the human relations approach possible. He serves with no expectation of reward for he knows his only reward is his Master. Just as the sword and the sheath are one but separate, the seeker finally realizes that God and Master are one but separate.

My advice to anyone who wishes to embark on this journey is to remember the Blade Master and the sword making process. You may ask it is worth it? My reply to you is to embark on the journey and find out the answer.

God Bless!


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