We all say we have faith in God but we sometimes forget that faith is a two way traffic. To have faith in God you must also have faith in yourself. It is pointless to ask for help when you do not have the self-confidence to see it through or have the necessary skill set to get the job done. We need to believe in ourselves before whatever that is to be given to us can come to pass, for “He knows what is best for us”.

Faith cannot be developed overnight. We all think that our faith in God is unshakable until we face a situation if life that is beyond us. So what do most people usually do? They go after a quick cure by asking someone for help. That someone is usually a person whom they think has special powers that can make the problem go away. Firstly do not believe that any one physical person can help you make your problem go away. Be it health, financial, emotional or any obstacles we face in life. Whatever help given by anyone is only temporary. For that moment when you unload your problem you seem lighter but the heaviness sets in again when you are all alone. Only God is able to help you remove any issues or obstacles in life.

We need to start believing in this and work on it. He is our silent partner in life, ever willing to help us only if you give Him a chance. To begin with we need to involve Him in everything that we do. In every situation we are in, good or bad. This way you engage your silent parent in your day to day activities. Problem with most people is they forget God when the going is good for them and then turn for help when they are in difficulties. In His immense love and compassion for His children even if you forget Him, He will never forget you, for the Father loves His children more than Himself. The Father will never let you down in anyway. But why wait until you have difficulties before turning to Him for guidance and protection?

FAITH – stands for “Forever Always In The Heart” So that is your starting place. Not outside you but in you. You need to feel His presence in you. You need to connect with the spiritual heart and work from there. You need to talk to your spiritual heart and learn to listen to your inner voice. For that is the dwelling place of the Divine.

In the Bible it is stated “Faith is like a mustard seed. You need to plant it and it shall grow strong like an oak tree”. With every obstacle placed in front of you seek help within and learn to have that confidence that He is always there for you. Believe it! So start planting the seed of faith if you have not already done so, water it with love and fertilize it with total trust and confidence, only then can you taste the fruits of FAITH.

“Like little sheep they go in search for God, frightened by the thunder and lightening, drenched by the pouring rain, scorched by the burning sun. Then they find God and the thunder and lightening is no longer frightening, they are no longer drenched by the pouring rain and the burning sun is no longer scorching, for in God they have reached home”


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