There is a lot of talk about what will happen in 2012, especially 21 December 2012. Whatever that has happened in 2012 and what is to happen in 2012 will happen. It is how you face the situation, how it impacts you or how it affects you and how you react to it, that is important. That will make what 2012 means to each and every one of you individually. When I say how it affects you, how impacts you, I mean how you see it when it happens.

Now lets’ look at it, firstly there will be natural calamities and unnatural calamities. How you see it, how will you view it. Do you view it positively or negatively. To view it positively, say a prayer. Those who are affected by natural calamities and unnatural calamities, that’s one way. Another area is issues that affect people that you know and your family members. Again how do you address it. Are you are able to help, or you are able to lend a shoulder, are you are able to give advice, or you can give moral support. One of our cosmic rules tells us all these.

The last area that will happen is what happens if a situation that affects you personally. There are three areas. One is global, bound to happen, floods, rains, volcano eruptions, natural disasters. Unnatural disasters, could be a plane crash, could be bombing whatever it is. The other area is an area which affects people that you know, how do you address it. Third is what I will talk about today.

What happens if a situation affects you personally, how do you react, do you react positively or negatively this is the situation we want to talk about today. To react to this negatively is to pretend that it doesn’t happen. You hide from it, you run away from it, you bluff yourself that it did not happen. But the situation gets bigger and bigger and bigger until it explodes in your face. That’s one way of reacting.

The second way of reacting is to quickly run to the temple and seek help from the priest. Nothing wrong if that is the way you have been brought up. Please don’t misunderstand me, it is nothing wrong to seek help from a priest or temple elders.

Now the third way is the one that we are telling all of you and that is what our Guru has been saying in all the materials he left us. How do you carry yourself? How do you invoke the God in you? So that He is there always. He is there but how do you find within you so that when you have a problem, you seek within yourself and find the answers. That is the spiritual journey. That is the path of the human relations approach to God. That is the journey of spirituality.

Seek the God within you. Jesus Christ said that “Seek the Kingdom of God within you all things will come into place”. 2000 years ago He told people this, seek the Kingdom of God within you. What does it mean? He means God is within you, but now we find God outside us, we find God in all the wrong places, again nothing wrong, if that is where you want to go, so be it.

But as a spiritualist, as a seeker on this spiritual journey, to find God you have to find yourself. Know thyself, seek Him within you. You have to know yourself and when you do know yourself, that’s where you can have the strength and character. When you have problems in life, you face it and challenge it and overcome it and then you get stronger. With every obstacle you overcome in life, you get stronger. Your faith in God develops, your faith in yourself develops.

There is no point for you to say you have faith in God and when you have a problem, you suddenly crumble. Why do you crumble? You don’t have faith in yourself. You have to develop this faith in yourself. Yes, I can overcome, yes, I can do it, yes, I will be able to face the challenges within me. Sometimes with help, sometimes alone. If you cannot face it alone, because your knees are weak, by all means seek help, pray to God for help, He will help you. One day when you have so much strength in your legs all you have to do is connect inside and He is there to help.

You see we all have this modern technology, we have a mobile phone. We connect wirelessly, we connect through 3G but we forget the one G in us – God. God is also wireless, why wireless? You look deep within yourself, you connect through wireless. This technology God gave us many years ago, human beings only recently developed this wireless technology. Have you ever thought how come you can call someone far away? Marvellous technology.

But you seek here, (heart) and you are connected to God. Only if you want to. Only if you are able to talk to Him every day. Our prayers tell us He is with us every day. Every second of your life, talk to Him. Make Him your silent partner. Make Him your friend. As we have always said don’t put God on a pedestal so high that you cannot reach Him. He wants to be your friend just as you want to be His friend.

For the youth, I tell you not to put God so high up that you are so frightened of Him. If your mother told you that, sorry dear. Make God your friend, talk to Him, if you have a problem, if you do not have a solution to an exam question, talk to Him. He will tell you how to answer. Seriously. Every time I write I say what do I talk about to these people, I don’t know how to think. He gives me something to say. And many people have experienced this. If you are stuck in an exam, talk to Him. He will give answers. I guarantee you this but you must talk to Him every day. Don’t for problems to talk to Him.

Just as you understand humans, that is the way God works. You must talk to Him, every small problem that you have, don’t worry. Don’t say your problem is so small that you do not want to bother Him. No! small or big, He is there. Learn to develop this personal relationship with Him and when you face a situation in life, call Him. He is there to help you. The situation will just disappear and suddenly you will realize, oh my, God’s divine hands are in play. The situation disappears.

So, whatever happens in 2012 will happen, how you react to it is something personal. And you should react to it positively, you should react to it in a manner in which you have been told by the teachings given to us. I will give you this small note for you to remember.

You see the English language is very interesting. Take the word Human Being. Do you know what the “HUMAN” stands for? “H” stands for Hurry. “U” stands for Up, “man” is Man. “Hurry Up Man”. And what does “BEING” stands for? “Be” is be, “In” is in, “g” is God. “Hurry Up Man Be in God”. Ever been told that before? Something new for you right. Today He just told me this. Human Being. “Hurry Up Man Be in God”. So if you forget as a human being what you need to do, remember “Hurry Up Man Be in God”.

You see He is waiting, He is waiting for all of us but we take our own sweet time. “Never mind don’t worry.” When I have a problem then I will call Him. Don’t. “Hurry Up Man Be in God.” It means, the faster we move towards Him the faster He will move towards us but He is in us already. It is a question of finding that part of you which is LOVE. Love, again 2000 years ago Jesus Christ said God is love. He is not wrong. God is love he says. If you find this love in you, an unconditional love, not conditional, if you find this love in you, you have found God. And after you have found it learn how to give it. Love is not love until it is given. Share love that’s what it means.

So for whatever that has taken place and will take place 2012 the message is – Hurry Up Man Be in God.


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