We are all seekers of the Light. What is this light that we are seeking? One of our songs tells us “Let us take the beaten track, let us seek the truth, God is love and love is God.” We are all seeking the truth. There is only one truth. God is truth. God is love, love is God. From time immemorial, all the Avatars and the Masters have told us God is love and love is God. There is only one truth, that truth is God irrespective of the name and form by which He is recognised. Never forget that. Along the way you may find intermediary. Never get distracted. The ultimate goal is God, you and God, no one else. Along the way you may get distracted but never take the crumbs along the way because that is not why you are here for.

You are here to find the diamond mine and not the diamonds. You are here to find the Baker not his cake. So don’t get distracted. It is between you and God, that relationship which you build along the way as seekers of truth. No one else should come along the way; no one else should be in your path.

What is this light that we are seeking? The light of understanding, so that ignorance can be removed. This light that we have been looking for is in one of our songs “Divine Light, divine light, takes us out of darkness.” The darkest we are talking about is the ego, the darkest that we are talking about is the ignorance, the darkness that we talk about is the lack of understanding of what we are looking for. With understanding, everything falls into place. Before you do anything, ask yourself “Why am I doing it?” Remember the four “W” and the one “H”, Why, What, Where, When, How. Ask yourself these questions that will give you understanding before you embark on anything that you do. Just remember these two things, as a Seeker, I am addressing you as Seekers of Truth and Light. That is what we are all here for. If you have found these two things, you don’t need to come for prayers anymore. It is a difficult path, a difficult journey. Some of us get distracted along the way. Some of us lack understanding because we think we know everything. It is very easy to get distracted. Have your focus fixed on God does not matter whichever name or form you recognize Him as.

The other thing is, some time ago we spoke about we are a prisoner of our own mind. We are caught in this believe system that “we cannot do this or that.” Everything that we have within ourselves, we become prisoners of our own mould. We have to break that mould, you have to break that mould of thinking because wrong thinking will make you to be a prisoner of your own mind.

Today we have a new prisoner, a prisoner of other people’s mind. Other people impose their mind onto you and you become a prisoner of their mind. Influenced by other people. Never get influenced by other people because that shows lack of self-confidence. With understanding, with light there should not be a situation where other people can impose their thoughts on you. Remember this. It is very easy for you to be influenced by other people because of lack of understanding, lack of light. With light, with the understanding you can examine it. Look at it, analyse it, if it doesn’t make sense and the Guru had said this, “Whoever that tells you, whether it is a saint or sages, if it doesn’t stand to reason and logic, put it aside.” Don’t discard it, just put it aside. Maybe today it doesn’t mean anything to you, maybe five to ten years from now it may mean something to you. If by then is still does not make sense to you discard it.

Never ever take anything that people say to you as absolute truth. Stand on your own two feet, analyse it, discussed it and then form your own conclusion. That is how you learn self-confidence. Only with self-confidence you can achieve self-realisation. A person who does not have self-confidence, going here and going there and getting influenced by other people will never have self-realisation because you are like the ship in the ocean, without a rudder and without an anchor. The wind blows here you go here, if the wind blows there, you go there. Ultimately, you have lost your bearing. So remember these things. I am addressing each and every one of you here as seekers of truth and light. Bear this in mind. The truth you are seeking and the light you are seeking can be found in the prayer books of all religions. If you put the pieces together, you will find the answer – God is One irrespective of name and form by which He is recognised.


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