There are two points in your life which you have no control of. Time of your birth and time of your end. The time of your birth, where you will be born, how you will be born, you have no control of it. How you going to exit this world, where you going to exit this world, the time you going to exit this world you have no control over it. These are the two points. In between you have choices, you make choices. In between these two points you make choices. The choice you make will determine the kind of life you will lead. You may say I did not choose this life, I did not choose to be born into this family. I did not choose this kind of life which to you is miserable or good or whatever it is. If you say I did not choose this life but the very fact that you have taken this physical form and the very fact that you have taken birth into a family, the very fact that the kind of life your are living, there is a reason. And the reason is for you to work out whatever you need to work out for you to reach that goal that we have talked about- liberation.

As a child you go to school as you grow up, you go to university; they give you all sorts of degree like MBA, PHD, whatever degree they give to you. In the University of Life, at the end of it when you graduate you will get a degree call G.O.D. Graduate of divinity. There are no books in this university of life. You go and search all the libraries you want, you cannot find the answers to it. You can only find answers to the University of Life through a spiritual master. A Guru who has walk this path many times. A Guru has explained what life will be, how to address this life, how to make this life good, how to make this life miserable if you want to. And the Guru has mentioned this in his teachings.

Last week we spoke about you are the architect, the creator in which you live. You are the architect and the creator. But you say “I did not create this life” “I did not create these things.” The obstacle in front of you is an opportunity for you to learn how to overcome it. Don’t run from obstacles. The universe will present to you the problem in your life if you run away from it because life is a learning journey. If you fail to learn in this life, in next life you come back and learn the same lessons. That’s for sure. Because life is a learning journey. Life is a learning journey in which you overcome obstacles one after the other. Why? For the reason for you grow and develop your faith.

Now, if we say that in this life that I lead “I have all this problems, what am I going to do”. Make friends with God. The problems you face in this life can be two folds. One is the karmic consequences of your last life, if you have not paid off, or the consequences of this current life in which you have to work out or you create in this life. So there are two folds. The only way that you can overcome it or cushion it, is to make friends with God. They say “understand man you understand God”. If you have parents who love you a lot even if you make a mistake, never mind, they close an eye. God works the same way, Make friends with God. Some people say God is so far away and busy, don’t disturb him. No. Make that temple in your heart; make that a temple where God resides. Make that heart a temple of God where God wants to reside then you don’t have to go to any more temples because you are a walking temple.

Now how do you make your heart a temple for God to reside? It is four simple letters, L.O.V.E but so difficult, so hard to find. Five thousand years have passed and we are still talking about it. So hard to find because our love is contained, our love is conditional, our love is physical. It said that for you to want to be able to experience a good life and I address this to the youth because they have many years ahead of them, start with yourself. They say Harmony begins here (heart). If you create that harmony in your heart then you generate positive energy in whatever you do. Be it your work place, be it at home, be it with your spouse, be it with your children, be it anywhere. So don’t blame people if you have problems in life.

Problems in life are two folds; one is the lesson you need to learn, the other one is you create it yourself and when you create the problem yourself then you have to think how to overcome it not make the same mistake again. Secondly if the problem is too heavy for you to shoulder, ask God for help. Pray to him in all earnest, with all your sincerity, with all your heart, all your soul and all your might. Pray and your prayer will be answered. They say prayer is you communicating with God. Some of us when we pray, we tell God this and this and then we walk off, of course God will say O.K if you pray this way, but He will take His time to reply. But if you really pray with sincerity the answer will come. Why? Because you have connected from you mind to your mouth to your heart and that’s where God dwells. You must pray with your heart. The other day spoke about this “fill my heart with thoughts of thee”. We have been saying this prayer for over 20 years. How to fill my heart with thoughts of love in your heart? Heart cannot think – right. Yes, fill my heart with thoughts of thee. Fill my heart with love. Then the prayers will be answered.

We all have obstacles in our live. All of us have. All of us sitting here. How big or how small depends on yourself. Don’t blame the next person. Because sometimes our problems are very small but we make it very big by telling the next person. You tell her, she tell him, you multiple ten times, one problem becomes ten. That is the problem in which most of us undergo. Why? Poor me. Call it poor me syndrome. Poor me, I tell you my problem hoping that I can share my problem with you so can sympathise with me. By sharing my problems with you, I share my negative energy with you, you share with ten different people. My negative energy becomes tenfold and I am responsible for it.

So if you have a problem, share this problem with someone who is able to help you and not just simply tell everyone your problem for the sake of getting sympathy. That’s very important. Then you have committed a sin. Why? We have caused another one to be sad because of your problem. Someone may be very happy that day, suddenly you tell him your problem, that fellow also become very sad and sympathise with you. It depends, if a person is full of positive energy, he can take it. Some people cannot. Some people when you them the problem, they become sad and they also become negative. So this is something you have to watch.

So as I say, two points in your life you have no control of, you birth and your death. But in between we make choices. Don’t say that God made me do this; God made me do that, no God does not make anyone do anything. You are the one who is the doer and then He gives you the result of what you do. You are the doer, don’t forget. He will never make you do this or do that. There are only two points in your life in which He controls your birth and your death. In between you make choices. You make good choices you get good result. If you make bad choices, you get bad results. Simple as that. So in life, you have to be very careful of choices that you make and if you make the wrong choice you face the consequences of your choice.

Now this something for you to think, write this down if you want. “Is Life the beginning and Death the end or Death the beginning and Life the end”? Something to think about. It’s the spiritual Truth. It is very interesting for you to think about. Most people don’t talk about death, “bad luck” they say. Death is not “bad luck”. Death is the most beautiful thing. It gives you the opportunity to live another life for you to carry on as you get closer and closer to the source. That’s what we all want. If you cannot achieve in one life, you come back another life and cannot achieve the next time, come back another life.

Ultimately we all will make it. That is what life is. Understand life. Don’t be frightened of death. Make full use of this one life that you have, in this form, so that you can say I have done all my best. In this one life time to get closer to my source, to the divine, to God, to whatever you like to call it. And then when you close your eyes you can say “Yes, I have done my best” and you do not say “I have wasted one life time”. Too late to regret.

So “Is Life the beginning Death the end or Death the beginning Life the end”.


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