In this world there are three categories of existence. First of all is a life of just existing. Second category is we live. Third category is people who rejoice life. People who explore their own life. Let look at the first category. The people who just exist, you ask them why they are here and they say I don’t know. They wake up go to work, go back they sleep, they eat and then that is it. That is their life. They know nothing more than the mundane, daily activity which results eventually in them dying and finishing their assignment. Then there is the category of people who live. Their enjoyment requires something external. Like maybe having some sporting activity for example. They enjoy it but it is very short lived because once they have enjoyed it they go to something else. Their enjoyment is very short lived. Maybe they like to go to a disco but after while they get bored. The hobby they take is very short lived; they need something external to make them happy. They go from excitement to excitement. For such people they lead a happy life until they reach the stage where they cannot find something else to make them happy. They get bored and they don’t know what to do.

Today we want to talk about the third category. The people who explore life. We call them the explorers on the journey of life. People who find out about themselves. They take time to meditate and explore themselves. The journey of life, the journey of self discovery. It is an exciting journey because you try to find out what makes you tick. You try to find out what makes you think. You find out what is your emotion, you find out how your mind works. How many of us can say that we have reached the stage where we can experience the prayer which we have just read. “Life is so great and glorious You make so beautiful, You make it so worthwhile” Just few words, what makes life so glorious. This is what for the past few Sundays we have been talking about, the connectivity, with others, with nature, with God. Living an integrated life. It is all connected. All the talks are connected. Embark on a journey of self discovery. Your own self, don’t worry about others. How you think, what makes you happy, what makes you angry or what makes someone angry because you said something wrong. Yet how many of us are able to sit down and explore all this within us? And do something about it until we can say “God life is so great and glorious. You make it so beautiful, you make it so worthwhile”. That is the goal which we have to find. That is what we call the journey of life, the journey of self discovery.

So to recap the three categories are firstly people who exist, there are many people who just exist. They live their life with nothing, they wake up they say I don’t know why I wake up and after awhile they say I don’t know why I am here. They go to work, they do the mundane things, the go home and then they sleep. That is it. Second category are people who need a lot of things, they need to watch a lot of TV, they need to watch a lot of movies because they need something external to engage themselves, to keep them occupied. The third category, don’t need external activities. Why? Because they are at one with themselves. They are at ease with themselves. They can be on their own and can be happy. That is the self-confidence. They don’t need the support of others. If they are with people they are happy, if they are alone, they are also happy. That is what we should all aspire to attain. We should reach that stage where we are alone yet we are not alone. We are with people yet we are alone. Alone and yet not alone! So this is the situation in which spirituality, spiritual journey is all about. The journey of self discovery. This is not about only going to temples and churches and holy places. Yes! Those are the ground on which we need to grow for our foundation to be strong- from there we put up the building our true identity, of true self. Ultimately, is you yourself. You can sit in your own room, lock your doors and then do self meditation about yourself. A journey of Self discovery until you can tell yourself God my life is so great and glorious, You make it so beautiful, You make it so worthwhile.

Check out the prayer “GOD MY POWER” posted on 2 September 2011


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