3 July 2011
We have said many times that the spiritual journey is a journey of change. A journey of transformation. Now what is it we need to transform and what is it that we need to change. First of all it is not a physical transformation or a physical change that we are talking about. It is nothing external. You can be wearing Ochre robe, it does not make you spiritual. What we are talking about is internal. Internal change and internal transformation and then again where? If you do not know what to change internally then there is no starting point. First of all you must know where and what internally you have to change.
The spiritual journey involves internal change on two areas. Change of the mind and change of the heart. These are the two areas. Today we shall talk only about the change of the mind. If you notice for the past many weeks we have spoken about the mind. Why is the mind so important, being aware of what you are thinking about, be conscious of your own consciousness, be mindful of mental habit. All these points to what we are going to talk today. Changing of the mind is crucial in your own spiritual development because this is the area in which we have to concentrate on. Most of us are not fully aware how our thinking goes because we are not conscious about what we are thinking about. To be aware of what you are thinking about, you have to sit down and you have to meditate and you have to really fully understand where your mind is going. In the Buddhist meditation or Vipasana meditation they talk about awareness meditation and that is where we are going at.
If your thinking is constantly on the negative side, example if someone ask you to do something your immediately reaction is “It cannot be done” before even thinking about it, then you have to change your mind set. If your thinking is always talking down to people without realising it, then you have to change your mind set. Most of us we talk down, we talk up, or we talk at the level, depends on who we are talking to. These have to change, you have to always treat another as equal, then whatever, like our prayer says “Love as thought is truth, Love as words is melody.” If you can fuse your thoughts with love, everything will be ok. One of our songs also tells us, “Let you thoughts be embalm with love, that is the only way to God.” So to begin with, we have to understand our mind what is our mental habit and we have mention this many times, think about what you are thinking about. Think about how you react to people when they tell you something. Think about how you react to your workers for example or your colleagues for example. How do you treat them? For some their mind set is you are lower than me, so that is the way I will treat you. You are not as smart as me therefore I will treat you that way. But if I think you are higher than me, than I respect you. This is how the thinking mind works.
These have to be addressed because as long as we have negative thinking, you can never progress spiritually. Take away all that you are thinking from your vocabulary. “It cannot be done, impossible, I don’t have money, I can’t afford it.” Think about positive things. If you always say “I can’t afford it because I have no money.” Stop saying it because you are coming from a position of lack. Spiritually, you cannot come from a position of lack because you have to have abundance of life.
If you always tell yourself that it cannot be done without even thinking and putting in effort, take that away from your vocabulary. Think about success; think about people who are successful and how they are successful. That will bring you success in life. If you are thinking of people who have been unsuccessful, think about what made them unsuccessful and learn from it. Don’t dwell on unsuccessful people and don’t talk about why people fail. If you want to talk about why people fail, learn from why they failed in life. Then you become a positive person. The ego in us always tends to direct us towards the negative side. Think about it. Most of the time, I would say 80% of the time you are always thinking on the negative side. That has to change. The first part of internal change is change your thinking but before you can change your thinking, you must know how you think. You cannot correct something if you don’t know where the starting point is. It may sound stupid, it may sound silly but that is what it is. Spiritual journey is a journey of change. Mental change, change of thinking, change of the heart. Changing of the heart we talk about it some other time.
Today we are spending time on thinking of your thinking because that is the starting point. Think positively, this has been said so many times but today we tell you how. To think positively you need to take all negative vocabulary out of mouth and say only positive things. Dwell on positive things. If you have always have been talking about negative things, change. Change your thinking. Change you thinking about everything that you see, change everything about the people you have come in contact with, change your thinking about the weather, change your thinking about animals, change your thinking about creation. Be positive about all these things and then they will react to you.
They will react positively to you. Don’t be is a situation of being a negative magnet. Spiritual journey is a journey of change yourself to be a positive magnet and then you will have all the abundance in the life you are looking for. You see most of us in life we want abundance, we want all the good things in life but we don’t know how to start, we don’t know how to get it because we are limiting ourselves. We limit ourselves by our thinking. Man limits himself by his thinking. If man has limited himself by his own thinking he will not be in the moon today. If he say “Oh it cannot be done, the moon so far.” But because man dares to think, some people, not all, we put man on the moon. So the limit to your success, the limit to your growth is your own thinking. You limit yourself by your own thinking. They say thinking maketh the Man. They say you are what you think. So this is something which most of us don’t pay much attention to because we take it for granted. “I am this way, I am like this, and this is my thinking.” So today believe in the fact that spiritual journey is a journey of internal change. The starting point is you own thinking. Pay attention to it. Work on it and you will see success, you will see results.
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