Firstly what is affirmation? It is a way of realizing something or making into your reality of something you wish or want. It has to be something good or positive and it should not involve denying or depriving someone else from what you are affirming. It involves firstly creating a mental image in your mind, then saying it silently and finally bringing it to your heart and believing what you are seeing and saying. The key action here is to believe. The heart here is not your physical but your spiritual heart, the seat of love, the dwelling place of the Divine.

This may sound simply but many fail in their attempt or attempts as they think they are the doer in this exercise. A very big mistake that most people make. Remember what Christ said when people started to praise him – “I of myself can do nothing; it is my Father in me that does all”. This statement is the key to the workings of any affirmation.

Use you conscious think mind to work into your sub-conscious and higher conscious level. Draw on the faith that you have built over the years for faith is needed for your affirmation to work. Christ once told Peter when he fell into the water “Oh ye of little faith, why do you doubt”. Faith is the door-opener to any workings that you want the Divine to help you on.

When there is faith there is no fear or doubt, only trust and courage only reigns. We need to believe in the power of God. The one Supreme God by whatever name or form you wish to call or recognize Him. We need to believe that the power of God lives in us and that nothing is impossible if He wills it. We need to believe that He is silently waiting to do His work in us but we need to acknowledge it. To do this we need to shift from the small “i” on which we all operate- our ego mind, our self centered self, to the higher power in us. This is the feeling part in the affirmation process, the feeling and the knowing of the unwritten word which God promised us when He created us in His own image. 

For those who have tried the affirmation technique and failed, do not give up. Try and try again and read carefully the above passage and allow the Divine in you to manifest your affirmation for He is the Doer not you.


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