Thinking, speaking and doing or thoughts words and actions in that sequence, that is how a person should lead his life. Seems a simple proposition yet so difficult to keep and this is the cause of all the problems in the world today.

For a novice in this area they will say what is so difficult but let me say, think again. You see most of the problems we see today are due to action without thinking or words said without thinking. When that happens usually we usually land up in serious problems, be it within the family, friends, organizations, countries, etc.

So it seems that thinking is the starting point of everything good or bad. However words or actions without thinking are even worse. Try for a moment thinking about what you are thinking right now as you are reading this posting and I am not talking about understanding the words written but the image that you conjure in your mind as you read this. As mentioned in my earlier blogs everything begins with a thought. We need to keep a close check on our thoughts as that is the final frontier for every seeker who wishes to progress on this journey.

Many have spend hours meditation trying to keep the body still but keeping the mind still is the biggest challenge, as that is more important than keeping your physical body still. In the Bible it is written “be still and know that I am God” Here Jesus was not referring to keeping the body still, rather the mind.

How do we go about doing this since the mind functions faster than the speed of light? Firstly we need to be aware of our thinking habits. To do this we need to be aware of what we are constantly thinking about. Let’s call this mental habit and be honest about it. Are we always thinking about food, about what others have and we do not, about money, about failure, about fixing someone up or about doing good. Are we so self-centred that we always thinking about our own need our rights to do or say what we want, or are we always thinking of others?

Whatever it is, do a self analysis and come up with a list. If it shows up that more time is given to negative thoughts than positive ones, then you need to change it. Is this necessary? Yes if you wish to move forward and no if you are happy where you are.

Purity of thoughts lead to purity of words, purity of words leads to purity of actions. So it is inevitable that this has to be done for spiritual progress to take place.

We shall discuss more about how to do in my next blog. Meanwhile think about this phrase,

“In the stillness of self, know me for who I am”


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