Prayer is something that most if not all faith belief in. The faithful engage in prayers regularly and for some it becomes routine rather than an act of faith. The daily or weekly visit to temples or churches or other places of worship becomes a social event rather than an appointment with God. The danger of allowing your visit to places of worship to slip to a level of a social event to meet friends rather than one of an appointment with God, is a big mistake most people make.

Regular visits to places of worship if done with the correct mindset will reap great benefit by the person partaking in the activity. Places of worship where there is a congregation of like minded people expressing their  devotion to God can generate positive energy which can be very beneficial for the congregation and individuals. It can remove problems or sickness or any negative energy that may exist in those partaking in the prayers.

What is important is for prayers to work it needs to be not a weekly but daily affair.
Going to places of worship is like getting a booster jab when you see a doctor. Then he gives you some medication to take two or three times daily. Likewise one should make daily contact with God in addition to the regular visit to places of worship. The daily communion you do with God is like the vitamins you take daily for maintaining a good health. For some this is not  the case as they feel once a week visit to a place of worship is good enough.

Hence for prayers to work a person needs a multi prong approach. Visit your favourite place of worship by all means but do not forget to follow up with your daily communion. Prayer is not a verbal thing where you say words asking for something or help from God and yet your mind is somewhere else. Firstly you need to be totally clear on what you are asking then you need to feel it in your being and believe that it has been answered. Finally accept the outcome. Your prayer should not be to tell God how to do His work. Rather present the problem you have to Him. Then thank Him immediately by saying "Thank you for whatever you are going to give me" and mean it.

Most prayers do not go through for several reasons. Firstly is is not clear and  precise. Secondly the person has no faith and in his mind he thinks whatever he is asking will not be answered. Patience is another quality to develop as sometimes the answer or help can come very late for whatever reason best know to Him.

The request when praying has to be with great reverence and humility and not one of demanding a solution. Also is should be in a frame of mind that whoever you are praying to is standing in front of you. Imagine that and believe so. Then go ahead and ask. It is nothing wrong to ask for help but do not tell God how to work the thing out to your favour. God is impartial so do not ask Him to favour you and not someone else.It does not work that way. Pray even for the well being of someone who had hurt you or done an injustice to you. Do not pray for ill will towards others for whatever you sow you will reap. Your prayer wishing someone ill will come back to you faster than you think.

Prayers that are done with sincerity, great humility, reverence and deep feeling from the bottom of your heart, without expectations will be answered in no time. Prayers should be done not only in times of difficulties but also in times of joy. Share both your joy and sorrow with God. By making this a daily practice it becomes part of you and that is how the connection is made.

That is how a seeker should live his life.


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