A few blogs ago I mentioned that the last frontier for any seeker is his own mind. To fully understand the mind and how it works let us analyse our own minds. I use the word minds as there are several minds that exist within a human being. Scientists have been baffled by the mind and have spent billions trying to understand or duplicate it but they have come up with no answers.

Again what I am going to say here is entirely up to you to accept, reject, ponder and to meditate upon. Reject it if you cannot accept, ponder on it if it makes sense or read on if you are interested.

Firstly how many minds are there? There is the “conscious thinking mind”. This is your thinking process during your waking state or dreaming state. So long as you are conscious and alive, you have a conscious thinking mind. This conscious mind is active only during the moments when you are AWAKE.

What happens when you sleep? Sleep is a gift of nature to repair the mind and body. Every living thing needs to sleep, even plants. For humans, sleep is necessary as during the sleeping state the day’s thoughts are processed and a cleaning up process takes place. Have you ever come to a state where you say I am tired of thinking? Yes all of us have gone through this. It is because the brain processes just so much then it needs to do a cleanup. Like a computer that needs to do a “disk clean” once in a while to release unwanted space in the hard disk.

During sleep, the sub-conscious mind takes over and does the cleaning up, retaining only the relevant ones. Hence we have dreams that are sometimes random and makes no sense. The relevant thoughts are then stored in the sub-conscious. All this while, the conscious mind takes a rest only to be awaken when you wake up. There are various levels of sleep called REM which I am not going to cover here. Basically it is different levels of sleep from semi-conscious to deep sleep. However all this while your senses are present with you, hence you can wake up if someone calls you or if you hear a noise. You can only go without sleep for no more than three days before your begin to hallucinate.

So we have the “conscious think mind” and the “sub-conscious mind” that is already two. There are a few more, your conscience, your “divine consciousness” and most important of all your CONSCIOUSNESS.

We shall talk about it in the next few blogs.


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