Today I would like to correct a wrong thinking. The wrong thinking that just because you are on a spiritual journey, you are more special than a person who is in a religious path or more special than a person who doesn’t believe in God. That is totally wrong. As long as you take human birth, you are on a spiritual journey. It doesn’t make you any more special that you are on a spiritual journey and the person who is on a religious path is lesser than you. Don’t ever think that way. Everyone, as long as we take human birth, is making a journey. Whether they know it or don’t know it, they are making a journey and that journey is back to themselves. Back to the divinity in them. Back to the creator, no matter what name they call Him. So don’t ever think that you are more special than others. That is Ego.

We are all equal in the eyes of God. Just like a child school who is graded every year in the report card, we are also graded the moment we take human birth. Every action you take, you are being graded in your record up there, whether you know it or you don’t. So it doesn’t make you any more special than as you say “I will take my time and then I go on this spiritual journey.” There is no such thing. The moment you wake up in the morning, every thought you make, every action you take, the consequences of that is already recorded up there and you are graded.

So, just bear in mind that we are nothing special. Then what makes us so different, when we go for prayers on Sundays or we visit holy places? That is a booster. That is the booster that you need, that is the anchor that you need, the foundation that you need so that you can move on because sometimes life’s journey is so difficult that you say “I am going to give up.” When you go to places of worship, you go to holy places, you get this booster jab and you come back elevated and say “Yes, I shall continue with this journey.” Journey to where? Back home to yourself. Back home to your true self, that self which is divine, that self which is pure, nothing else. It is like when you feel under the weather and you need to see a doctor. He gives you some medication or even a jab and you feel fine after that. We all need that spiritual jab sometimes.

At the end of it, in your lifetime, what you take with you is the expansion of your love. How you see others. Whether you take others as a child of God or whether you see division of various races. As long as you have a race barrier in your mind, then you have a long way more to go. As long as you see people with social status, this person is high, this person is a low, you have a long way more to go. To be divine means you have to be blind. Blind in the sense that you don’t see colours, you don’t see social status. You only see another human being as another child of God like you on this journey home. It takes a long time for us to reach that stage and this is what the teachings tell us to do.

For those who don’t believe in God, they are also on the spiritual journey. As long as you take human birth you are already on the spiritual journey. It is only different levels, different steps, different paths but the end point is the same. So for those of you who think you are very special because you are in a spiritual group and you have a Guru, don’t think like this. Every human being on earth, the moment they take human birth, they have already started the journey home, back to the creator. It is a matter of which birth they take before they make a conscious effort to find home. Remember this, just as a child is graded in every standard, the moment we take human birth we are already graded. Every thought we make we are graded, every action we take, we are graded, only we don’t see it. When the time comes for us, when the grading is shown to us, then we will know.

So coming back to this very important point where most of us have this wrong thinking “I am special”, we are not special. We are no more special than the next person who sits on the road and swears that God doesn’t exist. In that person also lies the divine, the spark of divinity only to blossom when the time comes. That is the only difference. So next time you see a person who doesn’t believe in God, accept him as your brother or sister who is on the spiritual path like you.


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