Welcome to a new year – 2013.

2012 had been a year of many obstacles and opportunities both at the personal level, national and global level. On the personal level we would have gone through health issues, relationship issues, financial issues and other issues which we would not have normally encountered. Those in business would have also faced challenges in areas of financial, sales, manpower, and other related business issues. Whatever the situation, we managed to overcome them and remain strong, more self assured and confident, ready to face this year – 2013.

It’s this time of the year that many would resort to making resolutions which they would either forget in the months to come or fail to keep for whatever reason. It is pointless to make yearly resolutions that you cannot keep but to make daily ones. The Morning Prayer” (see earlier posting under PRAYERS”) says “let my thoughts words and actions be guided by You” If we can live this, we can live the day with God. The Morning Prayer is a pact you make with God. That is why it is important to start the day with a prayer and don’t forget to end the day with a prayer of thanks.

Why then are we not able to keep to the pact? Come back to our good old friend the “mind”. As human beings we are given the freedom of choice. We allow our mind to be the decision maker in our lives. It is OK if the mind is well anchored by spiritual values but can be havoc if it is not kept in check.

What is mind? It is a bundle of thoughts. What are thoughts? Where do they come from? This has baffled scientists for years. They can only figure out the physical aspect of the brain as to where memory is located, where speech is located etc. as for thoughts- it will forever remain a mystery.

Within the storehouse of the human “being” are unseen fields of electromagnet fluxes which keeps the human body alive. Linked to this are the seven chakras which pulsate and provides the energy levels in the human body. Swirling in this electromagnet field is the ”intellect” which never dies. It is eternal and you carry with you life after life. It is your so called ‘‘soul identity”. This is where memory is stored. The generator which keeps all these fields functioning is the divine energy which is cosmic energy, which is not created and cannot be destroyed, it is Eternal. It is your soul, which is part of the Divine – the I Am – the Creator – The Supreme Consciousness, man has no name for it and by putting a name you are limiting That which has no Name, That which is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient.

So we carry our past memories into the present and the present into the future as one continuous flow, life after life. Since the mind is the part in us which either propels us or retards us, it has to be kept in check with a firewall like the infrastructure of any IT network system. The firewall has to block out unwanted thoughts or attacks and allow only good thoughts to pass through. This firewall is also called the “Gate Keeper” and it is LOVE.
Your five senses can only do its work that is to sense, it cannot form an opinion. Your eyes see but it does not know what it sees, your nose smells, but it does not know what the smell is, your ears hear but it does not know what it has heard, your tongue speak but it does not know what it says. Who then decides after the senses have done its part? Your MIND!. It is for this reason that we need to keep a very close watch on our mind so that we can progress in every area this year.

Watch your thoughts, but to be able to watch it you must know its habit. Correct it if you have a negative mental habit. Adopt a positive mental habit at all times and 2013 will be a year filled with peace, joy and abundance of all things good.


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