The great poet William Shakespeare said, the whole world is a stage and we are merely players in this stage. The drama of life which we go through, we are just actors on this stage called the drama of life. Whether we know it or not we are actors. Some of us are caught as actors in this drama that we don’t know how to get out of it because we are caught in its web. We can either be an actor or a spectator in this drama of life. The choice is yours. Every time, the moment you leave the house, you go to work or even at home, as long as you are engaged in a conversation with someone else, there is a drama going on. However the drama leads, where it ends, is depends on what you say, what I say. It is a dialogue. The difference between the drama of life and reel drama is that in the reel drama, the director can say “Cut” because the actor had said something wrong, and it ends there. In the drama of life when you say something wrong, that is it, you cannot say “cut”. What you said is there. So in the drama of life, be very careful of what you say, what you do, because once you say something or you do something, it is already there, you carry it for the rest of your life.

In the reel drama, you can make a thousand mistakes, the director will cut until the acting is perfect and then he edits and the drama is perfect. That is in the movies but in the drama of life, if we forget who the director is, then we are caught in this drama. If we remember that the director is the Divine and the teachings given to us, we know how to say “cut”. Before I say something wrong, I will say cut. I don’t have to wait for anything else, I say cut, I stop saying something and then the drama stops. Sad to say, most of us don’t do that. You say something, I say something, on and on until it becomes a mess. Then you don’t know how to get out of it because you have already acted out this scene and you cannot pull back because your ego will not allow you to. So the best is to be always aware of what you say, and always be a spectator, don’t be an actor in this drama of life. Spectator means you watch what the other fellow say, never mind, let the person say, then you think, take your time to reply. Always reply in a positive manner to diffuse the situation.

Most of the time we get into trouble because I say something and she tells something else to someone else and the whole communication have gone wrong. I said something about this person, she heard something else and tells another person based on what she thinks she heard. Worst still the other person again remembers something else. This is how the communication goes totally wrong. This is how the drama of life gets into a mess, because of communication problem. That is why in it is always good to be only a spectator, you can say whatever you want about me I will remain unaffected because I am not accepting what you said.

Worst off, some people play the drama in their mind, that is the worst case. You sit down and think on your own that this person is doing something to you and you tell yourself I better watch him. This is all in the mind. The drama of the mind is worse then the drama which you play out. So be careful, if you have a drama in the mind because you think somebody is talking bad about you, that is worse because the ego in you is very big. The ego wants to take control and it says “This fellow do this to me, wait, I am going to do something.” Actually, nothing happens. You yourself in your own thinking, your own drama of the mind which is worse then the drama you play out.

Whatever you see is not real. The drama that you play out, one day it will be gone. One day this physical body will also be gone but what you don’t see, that is real. The hate, that jealousy, that envy, the grief, the sorrow, all these things you cannot see but you carry them with you because, all that you cannot see is real. After this stage when the body is gone, what you did to me, I am carrying it into my next life. You also carry it to your next life. So what you do not see is more real than what you see. This is something that people don’t understand. Your soul is real but you don’t see your soul. We pay more attention to the body because you can see this body. What you carry into your next life, things that you don’t see that is etched in your intellect. As long as in this drama of life if you have not worked out certain things, you carry it with you. So long as in this drama of life, you add on more things to it, good or bad, you carry it with you. You don’t see these things. Can you see jealousy, love, hate? You can see a physical person, you can scold a physical person but once your words come out, it goes into the environment, the universe, it is there. Good or bad, you pay for it. So remember two things, the drama of the mind is worse than the drama you play out in your physical life. William Shakespeare said the whole world is a stage, we are just actors, true, it is better to be a spectator than an actor. Spectator means you just watch, if you don’t like, you switch off. In life we have to learn to switch off. You learn to switch off because whatever people say about you switch off. Learn to be connected with the Director who is within you, who tells you to shut up, don’t reply.

It is not easy but if you can tell yourself shut up, don’t reply, do not answer back, you become strong. You are telling your ego in you to keep quiet, shut up. Never mind what the other person said. That is the test for us because this drama of life can be played out any place, any time. It could be in a supermarket or anywhere but if we are totally aware that we must be in control then the director which is the Divine in us, will say cut. Then we stop saying, stop doing and then you become a spectator, you just watch. That is how we should conduct our life.

Be always connected to the Director within and resolve any issues you have with anyone in this lifetime.


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