Just as there are many rivers leading to the ocean, there are just as many paths that a person can take to reach his ultimate destination – God.

This is yet another path that has been shown to us by our beloved teacher Gopal whom we lovingly call our Guru.

Depending on the society in which we are born into, that will decide the appropriate path that is available to us. In this modern society where one  has to work for a living, renunciation would not be the appropriate path as it would mean abandoning the responsibilities that we have to carry out. Thus what would a person do if he wishes to seek God and yet has to work and care for his family?

Firstly God does not live in far away places nor in the mountains not does one need to punish one’s body by fasting to meet with his Creator. God lives in our midst. He is outside you, He is behind you, He is above you, He is below you and He is around you. Most importantly of all He is in you.

That may sound strange but God is in each and every one of us. Isn’t that wonderful?

You may then ask, if God is in me why am I suffering, why am I unhappy?

Firstly let us understand what God represents. He is all positive, He is all Good, He is all perfect. He is all Love. God is all perfect thus to be Godly one needs to strive for perfection. You may say, I am kind, I am loving but I have one small negative. Let it be known that in the scale of 100, if you have 99 positive qualities and 1 negative trait it still makes you imperfect. You can have a jug of milk, all you need is one small grain of salt to spoil the whole jug of milk.

Secondly, we are all creations of the One God and since God is perfect, imperfection cannot come out of perfection. That perfect quality which is in each and every one of us is mud covered with dirt and grime by the negatives which we ourselves have put on to us. This is through our thought, words and actions.

Therefore we have to seek out our self and find our true self, the self that is pure, the self that knows only to love, the self that is lofty in thought, words and actions. In other words we have to get to know our self.

You may say I already know myself what is there to find out. Think for a moment and examine the statement “Know Thy Self”. If I know myself then I should know what makes me unhappy what makes me jealous, what makes me envious, why do I do things and then regret it later?

The journey to God is a journey within yourself and not a journey outside you. You may go to all the holy places spend time in all the ashrams but if you do not attempt to find yourself you will never each that state which you are looking for – the state called Enlightenment, Nirvana, Bliss, Moksha, Liberation.

To get to know yourself you have to be honest with yourself, you have to do a pen and paper exercise i.e. write down on a piece of paper all your negative qualities on the left hand side and on the right hand side all your positive qualities. The important thing is to be honest with yourself. If you not, take that as one of the negative qualities you have.

After having done so, works on each quality until you have converted all the negative qualities to positive ones. For the positive ones make them even stronger.

This takes time, this takes effort, discipline and determination to achieve what you what to achieve. Patience and perseverance are necessary should you decide to embark on this journey.

The key work to assist you is LOVE. A word so commonly used but not in its true sense. Here we refer to Divine Love, Universal Love, and not physical love.

The path which has been shown so many times by all the great Masters and Super Masters who have walked the face of this earth and will continue to walk until mankind fully understands the meaning of “The Brotherhood of Man through the Fatherhood of God.”

You may say yes I love my family members. That is a starting point then going beyond that to your extended family of God’s creation. Love God’s creation first God second and you last. Because the journey that you are about to embark involves three parties, the other person, God and yourself.


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