Now two Sundays ago, we spoke about Harmony. In order for you to be in harmony, to be one with nature, in order for you to be one with your fellow human beings, in order for you to be one with creation, you need to be one with yourself first. You have to have harmony with yourself first. And we spoke about harmony at three different levels. One is physical level, one is thinking level – mind level and next one is emotional level.
Now at the physical level, every day we face this situation where we can cause harmony or disharmony. The choice is ours. If you are in a situation where you are talking to some friends and the friends say “That day this fellow this and the fellow that, negative thoughts. You have two choices, either you switch to the right channel and say the right thing and harmonised the situation or you can add fire to it and think “Yes that day he is also did this” which means to say you have made the situation more disharmonious. You are a party to that situation.
Choices are given many times every day. The moment you leave your house until you come home, be it at workplace, be it at socialising, be it at lunch, be it at dinner with friends, no matter where. Whenever people talk about someone else and if you have the chance to neutralise it, make sure you neutralise it. Don’t add fuel to fire and add on and say “yes, he is also like this.”
Some of you may say “that day I when home, he did not say goodbye to me also you know.” Then you say “Yes, that day he also did not say goodbye to me know.” The other choice is you can say “Maybe he is busy, he did not see you leaving.“ See, you have two choices. In life you have two choices, positive or negative. I have said many times; on the TV there are hundreds of channels. Life has only two channels, positive or negative, if you switch to the left, wrong channel, you say something wrong. Always switch to the right channel and you get it right.
I have said this many times. Today I shall talk to you about thoughts. Now if you look at it, thoughts, everything begins with a thought, the starting point. Whether you want to have right thoughts or wrong thoughts it is a choice you make. Nobody can control your thoughts. Now where does this thought come from? Thoughts come from within you. If you hate someone, whether you see that person or you don’t see that person, you can still have bad thoughts about the person. Why? Because the thoughts are in you. You can’t remove the thoughts. So long as you harbour that thought, you can’t remove it. And if you can’t remove it, you have another choice. That is to neutralise it. Today we shall tell you how. For the past many months we always tell you why you should do this why you should do that. Today we shall tell you how to do it.
Most of us have a mental habit of thinking negatively whether you like or you don’t like it. As human beings because the ego is in us, we always think negatively. Your thought always goes on the left side. When you see a situation, instead of being positive you always say”yes this fellow like this.” When you see a news caster on TV you will say “Today that fellow is not saying the right thing.” “Today the make-up not properly done.” Why? Because the mind is always going on the negative side -Ego. Ego always refuses to allow you to think positively. So now you have to teach ego a lesson. You have to take ego by the neck and say “No, now you listen to me. I shall now have a programme where I shall always learn to think positively.” Today I shall tell you how. From tomorrow onwards, in any given situation that comes across you, you have two choices. Either you think positively or you don’t think. No reaction. Learn to be in a state of no reaction. Try it. This will enable your mind to be subdued. This will enable your mind to be still.
If you can do yoga, can do meditation, very good. That is the way to still the mind. The bible says be still and know that I am God. What does it mean, what does Christ mean. It’s only in the stillness of the mind can you communicate with God. God can come and talk to you because the mind is so full of garbage, so full of turbulence, how to see Him, how hear, cannot. So, you have to first teach your mind to be still and to teach your mind to be still, learn to have no reaction. Simple, sounds simple but it is not easy. See most us here want instant success. When we have problem we want instant cure. We are lazy to work it out ourselves. But I am telling you this, if you do not know how to solve your problems, no one will solve it for you. God will say, “Look child, you don’t make an effort to solve your problem. You always come to Me for help.” “Learn to solve your problem and then I will help you.” You got to learn, they say God helps those who help themselves.” It is true, you cannot sit down and say “God this this.” Every day you can pray to God, “Please, I have this problem, solve this for me.“ Then He will ask you “What have you done for yourself.” Every time you come on Sunday you listen to all these talk, what have you done? You have not put one bit into practice.
Confucius once said “If you practice what you learned, you will have wisdom.” Bookish knowledge is useless. Apply, learn to apply. So tomorrow when you wake-up, learn this technique. When you see something, don’t allow your mind to react. If your mind reacts negatively, change it. Replace it with something positive because until you can reach a state of no mind, it takes time, it takes effort, no mind they call it, when you can see without reacting. No mind. Only when you have reached that stage, then you are able to practice what Guru Gopal taught us more than twenty over years ago, the technique of visualisation. Those of you who have attended his Thursday session will know what I am talking about. He taught us the technique of visualisation. For Thursday mantras, he changed that towards the end for you to visualise the sea, the sky, and the stars and then he taught you how to watch your thoughts. All these he has taught us but most have forgotten. Now I am just revising, nothing new. Nothing comes from me is new, all from him. Here he told us watch your thoughts. What is he trying to tell you? Watch your thoughts; don’t engage a conversation with your thoughts. Just watch it. See where your thoughts go because most of us have mental habits of thinking negatively.
In your meditation watch your thoughts, that’s what he said. The other technique is just to observe, learn the technique of observation. When you do that, you focus your mind, your mind become very focus, very powerful. Your mind is in the present, your mind is not scattered all over the place. With your focused mind then you can move to next step where they call it bliss. Total integrated awareness. Sat Chit Anada. Total integrated awareness. What does it mean? You are always constantly in touch with yourself. Right now our mind is somewhere, our words some not clear, our action somewhere else. All this has to be put in together and then you become a totally integrated person, in harmony with yourself, then you become an instrument of God. Because you can harmonize with the next person that sits beside you. Why? Because you are not agitated. You are in harmony always. Love flows from you like the fountain. So that person receives it. If you are agitated, your mind is in turbulence. How do you expect to give out positive energy? You have so many problems that you are in turbulence yourself and because of this you cannot help the next person. You need to address your own thoughts and if you think about it, your thoughts are embedded in your very deep sub-conscious mind. If you have bad thoughts of someone, you are sleeping with him every day. You are eating with him every day. You are having a conversation with him every day. True or not? We all go through this. Sometimes we hate someone, we don’t like this person, he is not even in front of us we don’t like him, we think about the fellow we get fed up. That’s what our Guru meant when he says you go to bed with this person because you are thinking about it. In a way you are thinking all these bad thoughts about that person. Who is suffering? You suffer, that fellow is happy. So what you have to do, you have to go deep within yourself. Take these bad thoughts, bad thought is one channel, convert it to another channel. Look at this person, we have said this many times, for you to be able to look at this person in your mind, you really look at the person and say “I have love, kindness, understanding and goodwill for you.” I only have love, kindness, understanding and goodwill for you. Say it. It may sound hypocritical. You may not mean it initially when you say it. As you say it regularly it becomes a mantra to you. So much that one day you begin to mean it. You say it and mean it.
One day when you see that person in your mind you don’t feel any resentment for that person. When you meet the person physically you can say “Hello, how are you?” I have gone through this. I have experienced this and this is what I was taught. So I am telling you guys this is how it works. You have to apply, you have to work at it, don’t give up. Don’t after a few weeks “cannot very difficult, your technique doesn’t work.” You did not make the effort. You must make the effort. When you make the effort, things will change. In your spare time, always address here (Mind), the thoughts. What are you thinking about, what is the mental habit, where is your thought going. Is it going to God or whomever you choose, not necessarily could be Christ, Krishna or Guan Yin.
Where is your mind at? If you are thinking of work, yes you are applying something but most of the time when we are walking, we don’t know where our mind is you know. Honestly you can try tomorrow. The moment you leave your house starting watching “what am I thinking.” You are thinking blindly they call it. Aimlessly walking without thinking about what we are thinking about and that is what we call unconscious people. Eckhart Tolle says we are unconscious people. We are not conscious of our consciousness he said. So connect to thoughts. Thoughts very important. You have to first of all learn to look at something and look at it positively. Don’t create a negative comment. Second stage of your development is when you look at something, have no thoughts. No reaction in your mind. That means just observe. Be an observer. Buddha taught you this method. Buddha taught his disciples this method. Be active but not reactive. When you see something don’t react. Be an observer.
Observe, be it the sky, be it the Sun, be it rain whatever it is, observe. No, here we say “it is very hot today cannot stand it.” Is it negative comment, or is it positive comment. The choice is yours to make. The thought is embedded in you. No one can take it away from you. No one can remove it. You and only you have to address it. Have to work on it. If it is a negative thought, you have to convert it. Through the technique we have taught you. Bit by bit you have to address it and change through positive reaction firstly. Secondly, a state of non-reaction. You try this two and you will have very good results. Lastly would be visualisation. Visualisation technique is a very good technique but in visualisation you must have high concentration, even if you look at that person’s face you must have very high concentration looking at the person’s face, in detail not just imagery, in detail. Look at it as if he is standing in front of you and if you don’t like that person, tell that person in the face “I only have love, kindness, understanding for you.” That’s how it works.
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