Many have been in this situation when it seems the whole world around you has collapsed. When your cry for help seems unanswered and in your despair you dig deeper into your being and cry out in sheer desperation for something or someone to help you.
In that moment of vulnerability most would cry out "Oh God please help me". In some cases the heaviness of the situation suddenly gets lifted and there is a sense of lightness. For others it may take some time before it happens. Whichever the case eventually the dark cloud of despair will be lifted.
Then what happens after that is entirely up to you. Do you maintain a close contact with God or do you forget Him? The choice is entirely up to you. For a casual believer the chances are they will forget over time, for some the painful experience will bring them closer to their faith. For the casual believer the cycle repeats itself over and over until they realize that something is drawing them back to the path through the constant pain in life.
Why wait for painful experiences before you take life seriously and make full use of this life to get to know your Creator? You may say you have plenty of time. Who are we to say this when life is more fragile than the flame of the candle which can be extinguished with just a gentle breeze.
So what do we do? Live a full life by all means but take time to find and get to know your Creator. He is always there waiting for you to make your move towards Him. Take one step and He will take ten steps towards you. Who you relate to is entirely your choice. Just be comfortable and listen to your heart.
How do you do it? This website is dedicated to anyone who wishes to know how to do it.
What I am saying in my blogs is my own experience as a seeker who went in search of his Creator at a very early age. This is not the only website available as there are many out there offering you salvation. You make your choice and be comfortable with the path you choose. Reject what I have to say in my blog or accept it if it stands to your reason and logic. I have dedicated this website to those who are seeking Truth. Knowing and understanding the Truth shall set you free.
To experience enlightenment is to experience freedom from all that is untruth. All that is unreal, all that is temporary. This does not mean you are not suffering from pain or from problems in your life. Pain and problems will go on, the only difference is you are not affected by it. Just like the water that falls off the back of a duck swimming in a pond, you are shielded and protected from the full impact of whatever suffering you are going through. Everything that you see becomes clearer than before. Nothing affects you and it’s not that you do not care. You get a sense of fullness inside you right where the seat of Divinity is and you have a knowing that whatever happens, all will be well.
What more can you ask for when you have this very comfortable feeling of being protected all the time. Where ideas for a solution come to you when you are faced with a problem. When suddenly you have this expansion of thoughts and knowing. And you begin to live a life that is in total peace and harmony with yourself, others and nature.
That is freedom on earth!
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