There are many beliefs and religions in this world and each belief and religion has its own dos and don’ts. With each belief or religion comes its own set of rituals when it comes to living and dying.

Today we are going to talk about the rituals accompanying what to do with the body after death. Just as you need to abide by the law of the religion that you subscribe to whether it’s by burial or cremation or the wishes of the departed, you need also to ask yourself where does the religion you belief in exist in you.

Does it exist in your DNA? No! Does it exist in your soul? No! Does it exist in the organs in your body? Yes, in a way! It exists in your mind which lives in your brains. So, it’s your mind that determine your belief. Let me explain. Say you are a free thinker and one day you decide to embrace a certain religion let’s just say religion A. So, what happens is the doctrines that goes with it determine how you go about practicing religion A. Then after a few years you decide that religion A cannot answer your needs or what you are seeking. You then decide to change to religion B.

Now let’s examine what happens when you make the switch. The doctrines of religion B influences your mind and then you go about living your life according to religion B. What has changed?

It’s not your body although you may dress differently as required by religion B. It’s not your DNA, then what is it? It’s your thinking mind that has changed, nothing else.

So, as you are aware your entity has several components. Your physical body, your soul, your mind and your consciousness. Now what happens upon death? The thinking mind dies with the body as the brain cease to function. What lives or moves on is your soul which is your life force, which returns to its Creator and there is only One no matter which belief or religion you subscribe to. What remains is your consciousness which takes on a new birth. Your old body will rot and decompose in a matter of days when buried or turns to ashes if cremated. So we may differ in our beliefs or religion while we are alive, but in death we are all one, be it as ashes or skeletal remains, back to mother nature- earth!

So, as you can see, religion dies with your mind upon your physical death and your consciousness exists as awareness for without your thinking mind the ability to discern or think and make decision ceases.

From the time of death until rebirth, there is no existence of any religion in your consciousness, until the consciousness takes on a new birth and with it comes the body and the thinking mind. So, depending on this new birth you take a religion you are born into, or your mind takes on a new belief or religion in later years when you can make your own decision with your thinking mind. With this new birth the life force or soul enters your new form, and a new life journey begins. Your form has changed, your thinking mind has changed.

Only the consciousness is carried forward from your previous birth to your new form.

Hence in the afterlife there is no religion there is only Oneness. There is only one Creator which ever name or form by which you identify with.


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